15 Free Online Psychology Courses for Beginners

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There are various online psychology courses for beginners all over the world, and psychology as a course on its own focuses on comprehending and researching mental and behavioral processes in humans. It investigates the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of people in various contexts.

A tranquil life is the result of a healthy mind. The world of today is in disarray. You’ll face pressures from both your personal and professional lives. The discipline of psychology has advanced as a result of this. This sector has a significant demand for professionals.

Additionally, everyone should have a fundamental knowledge of psychology. Fortunately, there are many online psychology courses, certificates, and free psychology courses to select from.

Table of Contents

What is Psychology?

Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. It seeks to understand how individuals think, feel, and behave in different situations and contexts.

Psychology encompasses a wide range of topics and subfields, including cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology, and many more.

The Pervasiveness of Psychology

The field of psychology is adaptable and provides a wide range of opportunities. It covers several subjects, as well as development, social behavior, emotions, and cognitive processes.

Psychology is an interdisciplinary field that uses knowledge from many discrete disciplines to offer thorough insights. It enables psychologists to address problems in the real world by having applications in areas like health, education, business, and law.

Psychology learns about human behavior and cognition through a variety of research techniques. Psychology offers a variety of career paths with notable impact on people and society, whether one chooses to work in research, therapy, counseling, or consulting.

Psychology as a Study in Social Science

Psychology is a social science that examines how individuals act and think in connection to one another. It investigates how people communicate, create bonds, and are affected by societal influences.

Social science psychological study examines issues like attitudes, conformity, prejudice, and group dynamics. It seeks to comprehend how social influences affect behavior as well as how people view and interpret social circumstances.

By offering insights into how people behave within social systems and assisting us in comprehending the intricacies of human interactions, psychology contributes to the larger area of social science.

Psychology in Scientific Research

The scientific field of psychology examines how people think and behave. To collect actual data and test hypotheses, it employs rigorous research techniques.

To study psychological phenomena, psychologists employ methodical observation, experimentation, and statistical analysis.

By using theoretical frameworks and empirical data, psychology seeks to understand and explain human thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Research in psychology advances knowledge, informs practical applications, and deepens our comprehension of the complexity of the human mind and behavior.

List of the Free Online Psychology Courses Required for Beginners

Below is a list of the 15 free Online Psychology courses required for beginners:

Top 15 Free Online Psychology Courses Required for Beginners

  1. Introduction to Psychology

  • Duration: 4 Months
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by:  MIT OpenCourseWare

For beginners, take this free online psychology course. The main psychological theories and principles are covered, and credentials are offered.

It is accessible to everyone without charge and you can learn at your own speed. There will, however, be a charge if you want to get a certification.

Some Topic Covered in Introduction to Psychology

  •  Psychological development
  • Research  Methods
  • Sensation and perception
  • Consciousness
  • Methodology of behavior
  1. The Science of Happiness
  • Duration: 11 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by: edX

The subject of research known as “the science of happiness,” usually referred to as “positive psychology,” is devoted to comprehending and developing pleasure and well-being in people.

It explores the elements that affect people’s levels of happiness, life satisfaction, and overall flourishing. However, the course came into existence through the University of California, Berkeley science centre and students can apply to study this course online for free.

 Some Topics the Science of Happiness Covers

  •  Implementing the appropriate measures to assess organizational happiness
  • Positive Education and Workplace
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Happiness and Subjective Well-being
  • Character Strengths and Virtue

3. Students Psychology

  • Duration: 8 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by:  National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chennai  via Swayam

Student psychology is one of the best online psychology courses for beginners because It looks at things like motivation, cognition, emotions, and social relationships in classrooms.

The study of psychological processes and circumstances that impacts stronghold on students’ learning, growth, and well-being is known as student psychology.

Student psychology investigates how students pick up knowledge, remember it, and use it in their academic endeavors. Additionally, it looks into stress, anxiety, mental health, and other elements that affect students’ well-being.

Finally, student psychology improves students’ overall learning growth and achievements, educators can design supportive learning environments and modify their teaching tactics by understanding student psychology.

Some Topics Student Psychology Covers

  • Emotions and Well-being
  • Social Development and Relationship
  •  Educational Assessment
  • Educational Technology
  • Individual Differences
  1. Coping with Emotion During the Period of Uncertainty and Stress

  • Duration: 8 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by: Yale University, New Haven via Coursera

This psychology-free online course for beginners entails identifying and accepting of our emotions, comprehending their underlying causes, and developing constructive coping mechanisms.

Managing and controlling our emotional reactions is a necessary part of coping with emotion during moments of stress and uncertainty.

Self-care routines, reaching out for social support, using relaxation techniques, and reframing unfavorable thoughts are all examples of effective coping mechanisms.

We can improve our resilience, well-being, and capacity to adjust to uncertain circumstances by actively managing our emotions during trying times.

Finally, psychology beginner students can apply for this course and partake in the extensive qualities the course offers, to grow their minds and educate them on how to control their emotions.

Some Topics Which Coping with Emotion During the Period of Uncertainty and Stress Covers

  • Introduction to emotion and stress circumstances
  • Recognizing our emotions
  • Helping others control their emotions
  • Building dedication for a lasting commute
  • Changing the frame of mind to grow emotions

5. Social Psychology

  • Duration: 8 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by:  Coursera

Online colleges across the globe have proven that social psychology is one of the best free online psychology courses for beginners because Social psychology online courses are widely accessible and suitable for beginners.

Firstly, the study of social influences on people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is known as social psychology. It covers subjects like conformity, prejudice, attraction, persuasion, and group dynamics that are especially pertinent to day-to-day life. For students, this makes the subject matter exciting and relatable.

However, to improve their learning experience, students can study at their convenience, examine their notes as needed, and interact with other students in discussion forums.

Finally, An online social psychology course can help beginners learn valuable concepts and practical abilities which will help them improve their personal and professional lives.

Some topics social psychology cover

  • Introduction to social psychology
  • Social Neuroscience
  • Cultural psychology
  • Applied social psychology
  • Attitudes and attitude of change
  • Group dynamics
  • social influence and Conformity
  • Interpersonal relationship
  1. Forensic Psychology

  • Duration: 8 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by: The Open University, Milton Keynes via Futurelearn

 Forensic Psychology is one of the best online psychology courses for beginners due to its engaging content and practical applications in understanding criminal behavior and the justice system. Investigative psychology, which entails forensic psychology, works with the legal and criminal justice systems to apply psychological theories and knowledge.

It involves researching how people behave, think, and use assessment methods concerning legal settings. However, online courses in forensic psychology frequently include interactive learning resources, case studies, and real-world examples, making the subject matter absorbing and relatable for beginners.

Additionally, these online classes consistently offer opportunities for students to put their knowledge into practice through simulations, exercises, and virtual labs, allowing them to practice forensic assessment and criminal profiling.

Some Topics Forensic Psychology cover

  •  Introduction to Forensic Psychology
  • History and Development of Forensic Psychology
  • Psychological Theories of criminal behavior
  • Forensic assessment and evaluation techniques
  • Psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder
  • Criminal Profiling and offender typologies
  • Eyewitness testimony and memory
  • Jury decision-making and trial consultation
  • Competency to stand trial and mental state at the time of the offense
  1. Psychology of Language and Mind

  • Duration:8 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by: IIT Madras via Swayam

Psychology of Language and Mind is one of the best online psychology courses for beginners because it takes a learner-friendly approach, dissecting complicated theories into understandable explanations that make it easier to assimilate and apply the knowledge of how our thoughts and language shape our understanding of the world.

Beginners can learn fundamental insights into the complexities of human cognition and communication by taking an online psychology course on the psychology of language and mind. These will pave the way for further research in the field.

Additionally, an accessible and convenient way for beginners to learn about the fascinating relationship between psychology, language, and cognition is through online study.

Some Topics Psychology of Language and Mind Covers

  •  Language disorder
  • Pragmatic
  • Language of emotion
  • Language and memory
  • Bilingualism and multilingualism
  • Language acquisition
  • Language and thought

8. Psychology and Mental Health

  • Duration: 11 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by: Future Learn, University of Liverpool

Psychology of mental health is one of the best online courses for beginners because it deals with the study of mental health from a psychological standpoint.

It entails researching the various elements contributing to the emergence, maintenance, and management of mental health disorders.

This area of psychology works to improve overall well-being, fend off mental health issues, and provide people in psychological distress with successful interventions.

Students gain insight into the complexity of mental health disorders and challenges by studying mental health from a psychological perspective.

This information contributes to understanding, fosters compassion, and builds a more inclusive and compassionate society by reducing the stigma associated with mental health.

Some Topics Psychology and Mental Health Covers

  • Understanding Mental Health Disorders
  • Psychopathology and Diagnosis
  • Psychotherapy and Treatment
  • Research and Evidence-Based Practices
  • Mental Health Assessment
  • Prevention and Promotion
  1. Diploma in Psychology

  • Duration: 12 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by: Alison.com

This in-depth course covers a variety of psychological specialties, such as abnormal psychology, developmental psychology, and cognitive psychology. Although the course is free, there is a paid upgrade option for a certificate.

However, students who complete this program will have a solid understanding of fundamental psychological theories, concepts, and research techniques.

I recommend contacting universities or educational institutions instantly for the most recent information on their psychology diploma offerings. Also, be aware that the availability and specifics of diploma programs may change.

Some Topics Diploma in Psychology Covers

  •  Research Methods in Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Biological Psychology
  1. Psychology of First Aid

  • Duration: 8 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by: Johns Hopkins University

Psychology of first aid is a standard online psychology course that helps students to achieve quality knowledge of the concepts, methods, and ideal procedures of psychological first aid.

Students gain knowledge of crisis response techniques, the psychological effects of trauma, and principal techniques for helping people in need.

Using the RAPID method, students learn how to provide basic first aid. Also, using RAPID—Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition—you can effectively administer psychological first aid.

Additionally, an online psychology course like Psychology of first aid will enhance students’ understanding of mental health and psychological well-being, Increase students’ awareness of how to provide psychological support to others, Personal growth, and self-awareness through introspection and reflection, etc.

Some Topics Psychology of First Aid Covers

  • Understanding psychological trauma
  • Crisis intervention and emergency response
  • Recognizing signs of distress and mental health issues
  • Active listening and empathetic communication
  • Providing emotional support and reassurance
  • Building resilience and coping skills
  • Self-care for responders and caregivers
  • Cultural Considerations in psychological first aid
  • Trauma-informed care and trauma-sensitive approaches
  1. Psychology of Emotional Intelligence

  • Duration: 8 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by:  Havard University

 The Psychology of emotional intelligence is one of the best online courses for beginners because it equips students with useful abilities for self-improvement, improved relationships, and success in a variety of spheres of life.

The course offers useful methods and approaches for enhancing emotional intelligence, including social skills, self-awareness, self-control, empathy, and self-regulation. These abilities can be used right away in actual circumstances.

Lastly, the psychology of emotional intelligence explains its principles so beginner students can be conversant with its foundation. Also, it is one of the pre-eminent choices for free online psychology courses with free certificates.

  Some Topics Psychology of Emotion and Intelligence Covers

  • Emotional Intelligence and academic performance
  • Emotion regulation strategies for managing stress
  • Emotional Intelligence and leadership effectiveness
  • The Role of Emotions in Motivation and goal pursuit
  • Emotional Intelligence in Parenting and family dynamics
  • Emotion recognition and empathy in social interactions
  • Emotional intelligence and conflict resolution skills
  • Emotional intelligence in Healthcare and patient care
  • Emotion and decision-making in consumer behavior
  • Emotional Intelligence in the Context of diversity and Inclusion
  1. Conception Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  

  • Duration: 11 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by: Open Learn

The conception of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder {ADHD} is one of the best online psychology courses because the course gives a clear overview of ADHD, covering its definition, symptoms, underlying causes, and accompanying impairments.

Beginners can gain a thorough understanding of the disorder and how it affects particular people.

However, beginners learn about the typical symptoms and signs of ADHD by studying it. They can identify behaviors associated with ADHD in others and possibly in themselves or other people they interact with, thanks to this knowledge.

Additionally, as an online course, it offers beginners the flexibility to learn at their own pace and convenience. They can access course materials and resources from anywhere, making it accessible to a wide range of learners.

Some Topics Concepts of ADHD Cover

  • Definition and diagnostic criteria of ADHD
  • Subtypes of ADHD (predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, combined type)
  • Prevalence and incidence rates of ADHD
  • Neurobiological factors and brain mechanisms associated with ADHD
  • Genetic and environmental influences on ADHD Development
  • Common signs and symptoms of ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults
  • Impairments and challenges associated with ADHD (e.g., executive functioning difficulties, academic underachievement, social difficulties)
  • Differential diagnosis and comorbidity with other disorders (e.g., learning disabilities, anxiety, mood disorders)
  • Assessment and diagnostic procedures for ADHD
  • Evidence-based treatments for ADHD, including pharmacological interventions and psychosocial interventions
  1. Perception of Brain Health

  • Duration: 4 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by: The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh via Futurelearn

This course gives beginners a firm foundation of information about the brain’s structure and operations. They can discover the various components of the brain, its neural connections, and how the brain affects thought and behavior.

Brain health is a topic covered in the course that has applications to students’ everyday lives. They can learn more about preserving peak brain health, stopping cognitive aging, and enhancing general well-being.

Understanding Brain Health gives beginners the ability to learn at their own pace and convenience because it is an online course. A multitude of students can take the course because they can access the resources and materials from anywhere.

Some Topics of Perception of Brain Health Covers

  • Introduction to the brain
  • Brain development across the lifespan
  • Brain-related disorders
  • Brain disorders and diseases
  • Emotion and Affective Neuroscience
  • Cognitive development
  1. The Arts and Science of Relationships

  • Duration: 4 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by: University of Toronto, Through Coursera

Relationships and psychology of the arts both provide a wide-ranging viewpoint on human experiences and behavior. They incorporate ideas and theories from diverse psychological specialties, including developmental psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, and cognitive psychology

Beginners can learn how psychological principles manifest in artistic creations and how they influence interactions and dynamics within relationships.

Additionally, this course teaches understanding human needs. Students can learn this course by watching videos that cover the principles and practices of the methods used to carry out the course. However, students have the option of purchasing a course certificate.

Some Topics The Arts and Science of Relationships Covers

  •  Gender and Cultural Influences
  • Interpersonal Attraction
  • Communication
  • Attachment theory
  • Relationship Dissolution
  • Family relationship
  • Interpersonal conflict
  1. Understanding Memories

  • Duration: 4 Weeks
  • Cost: Free
  • Offered by: Wesleyan University

Understanding Memory is another good online psychology course because it benefits beginners in real-world ways. They can pick up memory-boosting methods, productive study techniques, and memory-training exercises to improve their capacity for learning and general memory function.

Additionally, a shareable certificate and a flexible deadline are included.

Some Topics Understanding Memory Covers

  • Cognitive Models of Memory
  • Applied Memory Research
  • Memory Development
  • Long-Term Memory Systems

Frequently Asked Questions {FAQ}

 How can I study psychology by myself?

To study psychology, one must first decide why they want to study it and what particular areas or topics they are interested in, then design a study schedule that works for them and their commitment level, and finally gather books, online resources, and academic journals pertaining to the topics they wish to research.

If one has diligently used this method, one can succeed in studying psychology.

How can I Memorize Psychology Fast?

Memorizing psychology concepts can be uneasy. Rather than trying to memorize large amounts of information all at once, break down the concepts into smaller, manageable chunks.

Focus on one topic or concept at a time, and gradually build upon your knowledge. This will provide you with a strong foundation to build upon also one of the most effective ways to solidify your understanding of a topic is to teach it to someone else.

Find a study partner or explain the concepts to a friend or family member. Teaching requires you to articulate your understanding and helps you identify any gaps in your knowledge by employing these strategies consistently and finding what works best for you, you can enhance your ability to memorize psychology concepts efficiently.

What is Dark Psychology?

Dark psychology is the study of and understanding deceptive and harmful behaviors that people may use to exert control and influence over others.

It includes all the strategies employed psychologically to prey on weaknesses, play on emotions, and use others as leverage to one’s benefit.

It examines the darker sides of human behavior and psychological manipulation, frequently focusing on how people can be influenced or controlled without their knowledge or consent.

Knowing about dark psychology can help one spot manipulation techniques, defend themselves from them, and make better decisions in interpersonal interactions.

How can I Understand Peoples’s Minds?

Understanding the human mind is an uneasy task; there are many significant factors to consider when comprehending the perceptions of people’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

Firstly, listen to what others are saying and how they are saying it. Give heed to their spoken words, voice tone, and nonverbal cues. Call for open-ended questions and demonstrate a genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings to entice them to share more.

Finally, make an effort to understand others’ perspectives by placing yourself in their position.  You can better understand someone’s behavior and their motivations by demonstrating empathy.

What 3 Things Do Psychologists Study?

The 3 things psychology study are the mind, brain, and behavior.

In this case, it is certain to say that psychologists study the human mind, brain, and behavior.



Studying psychology can give students a deeper comprehension of human behavior, a variety of career opportunities, useful skills, and the potential to make a positive difference in other people’s lives. In other words, the above-mentioned online psychology courses with free learning time can help you in your life goals either professionally or personally.

 Lastly, it is important to understand that psychology encompasses various vocations. Interested individuals should appropriately have enlightenment about the course before going ahead to study it.

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