55 Most Difficult Courses in the World

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All courses are challenging, but some are regarded as the most challenging in the world, we will look into the 55 most difficult courses in the world in this post.

These courses stand out in difficulty level because of their content, assignments, length, and assessment. If you like a good challenge, you might be intrigued about the toughest courses, or you might prefer to avoid them.

Everyone wants to take a course that will help them succeed in their future activities and better define their jobs.

Every day, competition in every profession increases, and the selection criteria are getting more stringent and specific.

Each course is difficult and unique, and it has evolved to provide the best grooming system to help students become the best versions of themselves in the competitive world.

Table of Contents

What Determines a Difficult Course to Study?

A course’s difficulty is a matter of opinion. Your areas of strength, interest, and expertise determine how well you will succeed in a course.

If you don’t have a strong background in it or aren’t interested in it, you could find one of the simpler courses challenging.

A course’s level of difficulty is also influenced by the lecturer or professor. Some professors’ poor teaching techniques can make passing a course a nightmare.

The lengthy courses make some of the courses challenging. These courses cover a lot of material in a short amount of time for students. Even though it takes longer to finish the hardest courses, the time allotted is still insufficient.

A course’s difficulty is also influenced by the institution. Because of the differences in the coursework, attending MIT or Cambridge may be more difficult than attending some other institutions.

Most Challenging Exams in the World

Exams that are challenging to pass are frequently taken by students enrolled in the most challenging courses in the world.

The following tests are among the most challenging in the world to pass:

1. Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)

Medical colleges in the US, Canada, Australia, and the Caribbean Islands all require students to take the computer-based Medical College Admission Test.

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) created the MCAT to assess students’ mastery of the prerequisites for studying medicine. Additionally, it evaluates students’ abilities in critical thinking and problem-solving.

2. United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE)

A three-part exam known as the United States Medical Licensing Examination is required for US medical licenses.

The first two steps are completed while a student is still in medical school, and the final exam is completed after graduation.

Each USMLE step can only be attempted four times by medical students.

3. Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

The CFA program exam consists of three parts and gauges candidates’ knowledge of the basics of asset valuation, profit management, and wealth planning. The CFA program is only open to students having a background in finance, accounting, economics, or business.

4. Gaokao

A standardized college admission exam for students in China is the National College admission Examination (NCEE), also referred to as the Gaokao.

Students in their final year of senior high school typically enroll in gaokao. Almost all undergraduate programs at higher education institutions require it for admission.

The Gaokao exam is reputed to be among the most difficult in the entire world. About nine hours are spent on the exam over the course of two or three days.

5. Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT)

UK colleges utilize the Law National Aptitude Test to choose students for their undergraduate law programs. The LNAT measures students’ aptitude for the abilities needed to study law rather than their understanding of a subject.

It is divided into two sections: an essay and multiple-choice questions based on text excerpts.

List of 55 Most Difficult Courses in the World

Below is a list of the most difficult courses in the world:

The Most Difficult Courses In The World

1. Architecture

We have rated architecture as the most challenging degree program due to the significant effort and need for rigorous attention to detail. In addition to creating the designs, architects are involved in many other aspects of building design.

The field of architecture is not one-dimensional.

You must be able to manage construction projects, use theories, use math and science, come up with original and interesting architectural concepts, and use software to transform your thoughts into images. You should also be able to use software.

Due to the subjective nature of building design, what one person may deem attractive may not be so to another. Being successful in architecture is difficult, and you’ll have to put up with criticism from people who think your work could be better.

Additionally, it’s possible that you won’t be able to start your career immediately away after receiving your degree. Just like becoming a doctor, being an architect takes time. There will be a need for additional education and experience.

2. Aerospace engineering

Another interesting, though tough subject to study is aerospace.

That doesn’t mean the work isn’t beneficial though! Aerospace engineering may be a fascinating subject with high job potential, but any student interested in studying it at the university will need a strong scientific foundation as well as a lot of perseverance.

You may learn how to collaborate well in teams, solve problems under pressure, and work properly with the help of aerospace engineering. Any career route will benefit greatly from this degree because these are skills that can be applied in a variety of settings.

3. Chemical engineering

The field of chemical engineering is both lucrative and difficult.

Through process design or development, chemical engineers use their in-depth scientific knowledge to produce positive advancements in the real world. As a result of the degree, students can pursue careers in a variety of fields, including engineering, physics, math, and chemistry.

Despite the fact that this course requires quite a bit of scientific knowledge, if you are confident in your current scientific knowledge and would like to advance it, this is an exciting field to pursue because there are many job chances in it.

4. Law

On the difficulty of obtaining a legal degree, there is considerable disagreement. In the end, it seems to be a degree that demands a lot of work from the beginning of the course. The law’s heavy reliance on English presents one of its biggest challenges.

You’ll need to do a lot of reading and study, and even if you did well in school, you might find this challenging. You need to be well-organized and have methods for maintaining motivation because the majority of the study is done on your own.

After earning your degree, the next step is to work incredibly hard to land a lucrative legal profession. However, this does not imply that it is impossible to achieve; rather, once you begin working for a law firm, a promising future awaits you.

5. Astrophysics

Astrophysics is a challenging subject to grasp because it requires a comprehension of constantly changing facts, like most of these courses do.

However, despite the challenges, there are a number of benefits. Astrophysics graduates can work in a variety of fields, such as research, education, business, industry, and finance.

Since you will need to acquire new mathematical concepts and ideas, as well as expand your awareness of scientific methods and how to conduct your studies, to succeed in this course of study, you must be dedicated to working hard constantly.

One of the reasons this degree is so exciting to study is that it will teach you the core disciplines that may be applied to a wide range of scientific topics.

6. Biochemistry

For you to succeed in biochemistry, you’ll need a wide range of skills. All scientific subjects, including physics, chemistry, and biology, must be thoroughly grasped.

It is crucial that you not only have great scientific aptitude but also strong written communication abilities because biochemistry exams are typically essay-based.

For some students, completing this degree successfully includes understanding a large quantity of information in addition to the evaluation process. You will be needed to perform laboratory work throughout this course of study, which can easily lead to a job in research.

7. Medicine and Dentistry

Two popular subjects that are among the most difficult university courses accessible are medicine and dentistry. That is accurate, yes. If you want to study medicine or dentistry in college, having a strong application is essential because admission requirements can be challenging to achieve.

Additionally, you must uphold a strong ethical culture during the entire course.

Since both medical and dentistry degrees take 5–6 years to complete, you must be committed to your subject to stay motivated during this period. Keep in mind that you will need more training if you wish to become a doctor after receiving your degree.

8. Fine Arts

In a way that the other subjects covered in this article are not, fine arts is a challenging subject. We frequently assume that the more sophisticated the subject, the harder it is when we think about the most challenging degrees. But this isn’t always the case.

In terms of the amount of time invested, fine art is a difficult topic to choose. Degrees that require a lot of hands-on work typically take a long time to finish, and Fine Arts is no exception.

But if you’re a creative person majoring in the arts, you’ll probably find the assignment enjoyable. You will have the ability to experiment with new methods and work with a variety of media. You’ll face challenges, but if creating art is something you enjoy, this degree can be rewarding for you.

9. Computer science

The importance of computer science is growing as new technologies are developed, and if it’s a subject you’re enthusiastic about and want to study, it’s a very broad, fascinating, and quickly evolving one. Despite the benefits of a computer science degree, it can be challenging to understand and requires a technical and analytical mindset.

A computer science major In college must enjoy and be good at problem-solving.

Anyone who wishes to study computer science will need to develop this skill, so it is crucial to do so while completing your degree.

The requirement to take the course is a further challenge in earning a degree in computer science. You’ll need a strong application because computer science is a field that is steadily growing in popularity if you want to get into a respectable university.

10. Economics

A degree in economics would be difficult to say the least because it is such a difficult subject. The degree major of economics is challenging for a number of reasons.

To begin with, some students might find the quantitative components of Economics challenging. The ability to practically uses and understand models and concepts is the second requirement.

You must be an expert in math because these are all related to arithmetic and can be quite complicated. Finally, understanding economics may be challenging.

If this isn’t a subject that sparks your interest, it could be difficult to stay motivated because it’s challenging and calls for mathematical skills in addition to models and theories.

11. Bioengineering

In the field of bioengineering, which combines biology and engineering, students look into how modern engineering techniques might be applied to analyze, interact with, and improve biomedical and biological systems.

This demanding college major promotes scientific investigation, healthcare and medical study, policy development, instruction, and enhancement of environmental quality. Students must have a strong foundation in physics, chemistry, engineering, and the human body.

These fundamental skills enable students to conduct research and formulate policy while working with medical experts to achieve better healthcare solutions.

12. Information Technology (IT)

There are a lot of individuals employed in the information technology sector, which is not surprising given how promising the future of humanity is.

Due to growing industrial demands, many students have started studying it at the undergraduate level, which was not feasible ten years ago. Students learn programming, computer languages, database administration, machine learning, and other applications in the classroom.

A four-year bachelor’s degree in computer technology typically consists of two years of advanced coursework with specializations. IT professionals with a bachelor’s degree in the field can work as programmers, database managers, network architects, or IT scientists.

13. Statistics

One of the hardest courses in the world would have to be statistics. Statistics makes use of randomized, observational, and other methods of sampling while gathering data.

Depending on the type of data and population, numerous concepts and approaches are also used in statistics to appropriately display the data.

Nearly every business uses statistical techniques like the t-test, ANOVA, chi-square, and others to represent data like social and scientific study subjects. Students that are interested in statistics should have logical and mathematical thinking skills.

You’ll need a good memory in order to recall a large number of formulas and comprehend how they are used.

14. Psychology

A well-known humanities subject with medical applications. It is also acknowledged as one of the most challenging courses in the world because of its broad coverage, which includes forensic, clinical, industrial-organizational, and health psychology.

As a broad field of study that encompasses the scientific analysis and study of the human mind, psychology offers students the opportunity to learn about human behavior in a variety of contexts, including individual, social, psychological, and industrial ones.

Being an excellent observer, communicator, and investigator with a keen eye for detail is necessary for a career in psychology.

15. Quantum Mechanics

The study of various natural forces is a focus of the physics field of quantum mechanics. It has improved how the rest of the world views the elements and the physical properties of things.

It is one of the hardest courses in the world since it enables students to discover what lies inside tiny particles like atoms and sub atoms.

Quantum physicists should be capable of doing complex number manipulation, integral calculus, fundamental profitability, functional integration and analysis, and other related tasks.

Students pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in physics will benefit from an understanding of both the fundamental and advanced concepts.

16. Mathematics

Mathematics is undeniably one of the most difficult courses to study. It is the study of quantities, numbers, and space. It is separated into two categories: pure mathematics (abstract notions) and applied mathematics (as applied to other fields like physics and engineering).

17. Philosophy

The study of philosophy examines the underlying characteristics of truth, reality, and existence.

It is a deliberate search for realities and a grasp of the bigger picture. The ability to think abstractly and critically is essential for success in philosophy, that is why getting a philosophy degree is not easy.

18. Music

The study of music, or musicology, includes all facets of music across all cultures and all eras.  Historical musicology, systematic musicology, and ethnomusicology are its three primary subfields.

19. Nursing

The primary goals of nursing are patient care, sickness prevention, and health promotion. With a major emphasis on clinical experience in addition to conventional medical classes, nursing is a vocational topic.

Anatomy, physiology, microbiology, pharmacology, gerontology, psychology, sociology, and other medical sciences are covered in nursing.

20. Microbiology

Microbiology is a branch of biology that focuses on the identification, description, and interactions of microbes with their environment.

21. Electrical Engineering

One of the most challenging courses in the world is without a doubt electrical engineering. Electricity is a difficult topic to visualize, as it deals with abstract ideas.

Despite the complexity of the subject, electrical engineers are in high demand, thus the effort and years of study were worthwhile. Since electricity is the primary source of energy used worldwide, demand for these engineers will only rise.

22. Accounting

Accounting is the measurement, processing, and exchange of financial and non-financial data regarding economic entities like enterprises and corporations. With rigorous coursework, accounting requires four challenging years to complete.

23. Finance

The specialist field of finance examines money and assets. Given that it involves arithmetic, accounting, and economics, finance can be difficult for many students.

24. Environmental Science

The study of the environment and finding solutions to environmental issues are the focus of the interdisciplinary area of environmental science, which incorporates physics, biology, and geography.

25. Creative Writing

Creative writing is the process of creating unique and inventive pieces of literature, poetry, prose, or scripts. It goes beyond traditional writing and inspires people to experiment with language, structure, and narrative.

26. Neuroscience

The study of the nervous system’s functions, including those of the brain and spinal cord, is known as neuroscience. As it integrates physiology, anatomy, molecular biology, developmental biology, cytology, psychology, physics, chemistry, medicine, statistics, and computer science, neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field.

27. International Relations

International relations, to put it simply, is the study of how states and non-state parties interact in areas like politics, economy, and security.

28. Art History

Art history is the study of works of art as they were viewed during their respective eras. Art historians examine the significance of visual arts (painting, sculpture, and architecture) at the period they were produced.

29. Ecology

Ecology is the study of interactions between living things, such as humans, and their natural surroundings. The levels of individuals, populations, communities, ecosystems, and biospheres are all taken into account in ecology.

30. Urban Planning

Urban planning is the process of creating and designing cities to suit local demands. To prepare cities and towns for the future, the approach integrates ideas from a variety of fields, including design, engineering, economics, sociology, public health, and more.

31. Linguistics

The discipline of linguistics is concerned with the structure of human language. It is an exhaustive, methodical, precise investigation of all linguistic phenomena, including phonetics, syntax, pragmatics, morphology, and sociolinguistics.

32. Animal Science

Animal science is the study of the biology and management of domesticated animals, such as beef cattle, horses, sheep, swine, and pets. In order to care for, manage, and improve livestock and companion animals, students learn the science, the art, and practical techniques involved.

33. Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is one of the most diverse engineering fields. Mechanical engineers create, develop, construct, and test. From parts to machines to the human body, they work with anything that moves.

34. Civil Engineering

Civil engineering has proven to be one of the most difficult courses in the world to study and to practice as a profession. To build, develop, and maintain both the artificially constructed environment as well as the naturally occurring built environment, civil engineering applies physical and scientific principles.

35. Political Science

Politics are studied scientifically in political science.

It is a field of study that examines the condition of affairs and governmental structures, as well as the scientific study of political behavior and action.

36. Education

Education is a field that focuses on teaching and learning strategies in formal educational settings, as opposed to informal and non-formal socialization approaches (such as parent-child connections and rural development initiatives).

37. Advertising

Students who study advertising learn the different forms of promotion that seeks to persuade a certain audience to purchase a good or service. It is a challenging course to study.

38. Journalism

Journalism is the creation and dissemination of information that at least partially informs society about the interaction of events, facts, and ideas. It is the profession of producing news for broadcast or writing for publications like newspapers, magazines, or news websites.

39. Veterinary Medicine

In the specialty of medicine known as veterinary medicine, illnesses and injuries to animals are prevented, identified, managed, and treated.

Anatomy and physiology, microbiology, public health, parasitology, and epidemiology are all covered, along with animal husbandry, breeding, and animal husbandry and rearing.

40. Hospitality

In this course, you will learn the ability or temperament to welcome and treat visitors and strangers with warmth, friendliness, and generosity.

41. Criminology

Criminology is the study of criminal activity, eccentric behavior and the responses of the criminal justice system to crime prevention.

From a sociological standpoint, it offers a thorough investigation of the place.

42. Archeology

Through the recovery and examination of physical remains, archaeology is the scientific study of the ancient and recent history of humanity. Artifacts, buildings, bio- or eco-artifacts, sites, and cultural landscapes make up archaeological records.

43. Anthropology

Through a range of methods, anthropology examines the traits of both historical and contemporary human populations.

Anthropologists look into the past lifestyles of various populations around the world and characterize them.

44. History

History is the study of change across time. Political, social, economic, scientific, technological, medical, cultural, intellectual, religious, and military advancements are only a few of the facets of human society that history covers.

45. Geography

The physical characteristics of the earth and its atmosphere, as well as how human activity influences and is impacted by them, such as the distribution of people and resources, as well as political and economic activities, are all studied in the subject of geography.

46. Pharmacy

Preparing, conserving, compounding, and distributing pharmaceuticals are all part of the practice or profession of pharmacy.

In addition to teaching individuals about the negative consequences of the medications they take, pharmacists are experts in the proper use, storage, preservation, and provision of medication.

One of the hardest courses in the world is pharmacy since it combines chemistry and medical science.

Additionally, it features a rigorous course load that includes material on immunology, chemistry, microbiology, biochemistry, organic chemistry, pharmacy law, and other topics.

47. Sociology

Sociology is the study of social structures and human connections.

The study of sociology covers a wide range of topics, including anything from crime to religion, the family to the state, racial and social class distinctions to shared cultural values, societal stability to drastic change in entire societies.

48. Sports Science

Sport and physical activity are known to improve health and performance from cellular to whole-body levels. Sports science is a field of study that examines how the healthy human body functions during exercise.

49. Social Sciences

One of the scientific disciplines, social science, focuses on examining how societies function and how people interact with one another within them.

50. Real Estate

The study of the management of land and structures, including tasks like maintaining buildings in excellent condition and planning the rental of property, is known as real estate or estate management.

51. Liberal Arts

The typical academic program of study in Western higher education is called a liberal arts education, also referred to as a liberal arts and pure sciences education.

Instead of referring to the fine arts or the specialized arts, liberal arts use the term “art” to refer to a learned skill or academic talent.

In its broadest definition, liberal arts education can refer to education at a university, college, or community college as well as study in a College of Arts and Sciences degree program or at a liberal arts college.

52. Communications and Mass Media

In this course, students learn all the processes of disseminating and exchanging information with a large audience via mass media.

53. Business

The fundamentals of business, management, and economics are the focus of the study area known as business studies, or just business. It incorporates components from operations, marketing, organizational studies, finance, accounting, and finance.

54. Marketing

Marketing educates students on the processes of generating, conveying, delivering, and exchanging valuable offerings.

55. Public Relations

Public relations as a course educates students on the managing and distributing of information from a person or an organization to the public in an effort to affect their views.

Strategies to help You Pass Difficult Courses

Although difficult, tough courses are not impossible to overcome. Try these 8 steps if you’ve ever had trouble passing a class:

1. Improve Your Mentality

Changing your views on the course is the first step. The difficulty of a course is dependent upon you, as we already stated. You will succeed in a course if you have faith that you can. Be committed to learning the material.

2. Attend classes

Don’t skip a lesson because the course is challenging. Even though the classes might be dull, that is not a good enough excuse to skip them.

Attend classes regularly, concentrate during lectures, pay attention, and participate in all discussions. Record the lecture and listen to it afterwards if you have trouble following your presenter.

3. Create a Solid Foundation

Lack of familiarity with the fundamental courses is the main factor in why most students find a given course challenging. It could be necessary for you to review your high school texts.

4. Modify Your Strategy

It’s time to switch up your strategy if you keep failing the same course.

Adapt new study strategies, such as breaking up your notes into manageable chunks and reading each unit separately. Try not to rush.

Additionally, watch out for distractions of any kind while you’re studying. Take pauses and eat while you read in peace.

5. Review your notes frequently

There will be a lot to cover by the time the test or exam is a week away, so you don’t need to wait to start preparing. Before the next lesson, review your notes for at least 30 minutes each day.

6. Try Practice Tests

By taking practice examinations, you may evaluate your knowledge. Each course has a number of online practice exams you can download and complete. You can utilize previous exam questions to check your knowledge if you have access to them.

7. Seek assistance when in need

There will always be students who do well in a course, no matter how challenging it is. Never be afraid to ask them to instruct you or to clarify certain concepts to you.

In most schools, the best students in a course set up preparatory sessions for students who struggle in the course. These preparation classes are open to you.

8. Discuss with your lecturers

It may sound strange, but you might need to talk to your professor about your difficulties.

They might give you advice, study tools, and other items to assist you succeed in their courses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on 55 most difficult courses in the world

What are the world’s simplest courses?

1. Women’s Studies 2. Religious Studies 3. Foreign Language

Which country has the toughest educational system?

The school systems in South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Finland are among the toughest and most challenging in the world.

What country is the easiest to study in?

Where can I easily settle down and study? Some of the best countries for international students who want to study abroad and stay there after graduation are Canada, Germany, and Australia.



There may be some topics on the aforementioned list of the 55 most difficult courses in the world that are straightforward for you but not for others.

These studies can, however, be a little longer and more challenging to understand when compared to others. Due to their technical nature, they require a solid foundation in particular subjects as well as extra time. You can, nevertheless, pursue any of them and have a successful career.

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