10 Ongoing Medical Assistant Degrees to get Online in 6 weeks

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You will discover 10 Ongoing Medical Assistant Degrees to get Online in 6-weeks that are currently offered, in this article. Online accelerated medical assistant programs enable students to complete their degrees as rapidly as feasible.

Although it will take a lot of work and preparation, becoming a medical assistant in six weeks is possible. While some self-paced and accelerated 6-week medical assistant programs can be done in that time, most students need longer to finish them.

You might potentially become a medical assistant in little more than six weeks by finding a workplace that does not require certification or that will hire you while you work toward certification. Since medical assistants are not needed to have any formal education beyond a high school diploma or GED, this is feasible.

Finishing a program in six weeks will require extraordinary concentration and exceptional study skills. A school’s accreditation should be confirmed if it offers a six-week certification program.

But how simple is it to complete these 6-week programs for medical assistants? Let’s look at some of the most direct routes to a career in medical assistance today. However, let’s first define a medical assistant.

Who Is A Medical Assistant?

As a medical assistant, you will collaborate with professionals with years of expertise in the field, including doctors. To keep up with these well-known individuals, you must complete a popular curriculum, such as the 6-week medical assistant programs discussed in this article.

You will graduate from this program with the skills and knowledge necessary to provide patients with high-quality care.

Medical assistants are allied health professionals who support doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other healthcare professionals in their work, typically in a clinic setting. They may also be referred to as “clinical assistants” or “health care assistants.”

What Is A Medical Assistant Program?

Once you’ve made the decision to become a medical assistant, you enroll in programs and submit applications. Vocational schools, community colleges, technical schools, and, in certain situations, colleges and universities offer these courses both online and in person.

Anatomy, physiology, and first aid are just a few of the topics covered in the courses’ range of subjects, which normally last for a year or two.

The top medical assistant certification online programs provide a practical option to complete your education on your schedule. Numerous programs are adaptable, self-paced, and give you the knowledge and abilities needed to swiftly acquire your Medical Assistant license.

Working as a medical assistant is a terrific way to quickly enter the medical industry and see whether this is the ideal career for you.

Online programs are a great choice for those who want a more flexible schedule and who like to learn at their own pace, even though many local community colleges offer a certificate in medical assisting. For those who have additional responsibilities, such as a job or a family at home, they work successfully.

Many programs are affordable and may lead to job prospects following completion. Getting a bachelor’s degree in an equivalent sector, like nursing, or more specialized qualifications are other options for developing your career.

For medical assistants, there are excellent two-year to two-month online certification programs.

To help people enter the sector more swiftly, medical assistant training programs were created. Through these programs, you can enroll in specific courses for the career of your choosing, which also enables you to complete them more quickly than at a traditional institution.

There are different tuition and enrollment costs for online courses, vocational institutions, and community colleges. The bottom line is that by enrolling in one of the medical assistant 6-week programs mentioned in this article, you can skip the lengthy process of trying to earn a degree as a medical practitioner.

Are Online Medical Assisting Programs legit?

There is no doubt that online medical assistant programs are credible.

However, before you pay for registration, double-check that the program has received proper accreditation from the American Association of Medical Assistants. Otherwise, both money and time will have been wasted. The “certificate” you have won’t help you much.

The flexibility of a recognized online medical assistant school gives you more time for life and benefits for your schedule. Because you set your own hours, you can both work and attend school. Just do your work and turn in your assignments by the deadlines.

Cost shouldn’t ever be a barrier to starting a career in medicine because many programs accept various forms of funding.

Responsibilities Of A Medical Assistant

You must perform the following duties as a medical assistant:

  1. Call or personally greet patients to say hello.
  2. By conversing with the patient, noting down their medical history, and confirming the nature of their appointment, you can validate patient data.
  3. Patients should be led or accompanied to the examination room. You can assist them in preparing for their meeting with the doctor.
  4. Make the patient through a preliminary physical examination, taking their temperature, blood pressure, and weight.
  5. Finish and safeguard medical records, finish coding diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and maintain patient privacy. You can maintain patient confidence while protecting their personal information.
  6. Inform patients with medical instructions and questions concerning surgery
  7. Educate patients by answering their questions and providing them with information on their diet and drugs.
  8. Prepare charts, pre-admission paperwork, consent forms, and make preparations with the surgery center. Patients should also confirm appointment schedules. These are all approaches to scheduling actions.
  9. Create, implement, and follow rules and processes while abiding by all relevant laws to demonstrate efficiency. Your workplace can be kept secure, safe, and healthy.
  10. By taking inventory, placing orders, and reviewing receipts, maintain supplies.
  11. Follow operating instructions, address problems as they arise, keep supplies stocked, do preventative maintenance, and make repair calls to keep equipment functional.
  12. By accepting responsibility for accomplishing new and varied requirements and seeking out ways to make job successes more meaningful, you can enhance the practice’s reputation.
  13. Record the evaluation, therapy, and test results for the patient. Finish the record.
  14. Fill out insurance papers, bill for services rendered, and react to insurance and other third-party inquiries. All of these inquiries can lead to revenue.
  15. Safeguard the privacy of medical information. You can maintain patient confidence while protecting business operations.
  16. Serve and protect the medical or healthcare provider practice by adhering to professional standards, norms, and procedures as well as federal, state, municipal, and Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requirements.
  17. To stay up to date on industry news, take advantage of educational opportunities, read specialized publications, build personal networks, and join professional organizations.

List Of 10 Ongoing Medical Assistant Degrees to get Online in 6-Weeks

Below is a list of some of these medical assistant 6-week programs:

10 Ongoing Medical Assistant Degrees to get Online in 6-Weeks

1. Dental Assistant Certification

You can work with doctors or in administrative roles if you have a qualification from one of the Dental Medical Assistant 6-Week Programs.

Dental assistants require less formal education to enter the field than other dental positions, however, many states do mandate that they become certified and keep it. More than 37,000 dental assistants nationwide are certified by the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB).

Demand for dental assistants is increasing as customers begin to place more importance on oral health issues. Additionally, compared to earlier generations, modern individuals tend to keep more of their natural teeth, which increases the need for preventative care.

Dental offices are the largest employer when compared to other industries, employing around 33% of all dental assistants, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There may be an increase in demand for preventative dentistry services as more is discovered about the relationship between oral health and general health through ongoing study.

2. Clinical Medical Assistant Online Certification Program

By combining clinical and procedural skills while working in a variety of healthcare institutions, the clinical medical assistant online certification program, one of the medical assistant 6-week programs, improves inpatient treatments and clinical operations.

Students who complete the Clinical Medical Assisting program will be given the knowledge and abilities needed to operate as professionals in a range of healthcare environments.

Medical assistants with formal training can administer an electrocardiogram (EKG), carry out small operations, collect samples for testing in the lab, instruct patients, and carry out other related tasks. They also help with other clinical tasks, such as administering prescriptions. Numerous work opportunities are available in hospitals, outpatient facilities, clinics, medical practices, and chiropractic clinics.

Clinical medical assistant responsibilities include:

  1. Human Anatomy and Physiology
  2. Heart and blood vascular circulation
  3. Patient care and safety
  4. Medical and legal aspects of treatment
  5. Effective verbal and nonverbal communication
  6. Human behavior
  7. Sterile procedures
  8. Universal precautions
  9. The use of biohazards and sharps properly
  10. Prevention of infections
  11. Updating patient medical records
  12. Recording vital signs, and preserving patient medical histories
  13. Applying sterile dressings
  14. Getting ready for X-ray
  15. Giving different injections
  16. Giving oral medication, and teaching patients how to use their drugs properly
  17. Venipunctures, capillary sampling, specimen collection, and point-of-care testing
  18. Conducting EKGs with 12 leads and Electrocardiogram strip analysis.

3. Phlebotomy Technician Certification

A phlebotomy technician could be employed in a variety of healthcare settings, including conventional medical and surgical hospitals or medical and diagnostic labs.

Taking blood samples for tests, transfusions, donations, or research is one of a phlebotomy technician’s jobs. Others include assisting patients with treatments and assisting them in recovering from negative reactions.

The Phlebotomy Technician Certification is a totally online, six-week-long medical assistant degree program that is available on the website of Phlebotomy Career Training.

The program also consists of captivating virtual simulation activities and online classes. Participating in the program entitles you to a free virtual simulation kit from the school.

You can enroll in one of these 6-week medical assistant programs alone or in tandem with another course to save money.

Courses Under These Medical Assistant 6-Week Programs Are:

  1. Communication and patient care
  2. Accounting, medical insurance, and health sciences
  3. Cardiac health and Electrocardiography
  4. Apply phlebotomy methods
  5. Psychology, law, and medical ethics
  6. Identify vital signs

After completing this curriculum, students will have gained practical experience in patient care, medical terminology, and healthcare. After completing these 6-week medical assistant programs, graduates are awarded certificates and are eligible to take the national certification exam.

4. Ophthalmic Medical Assisting Program

Alongside being an ophthalmologist in a clinical setting, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to perform well in an administrative role.

You will gain first-hand experience to the industry through a 24-hour shadowing program, a 120-hour externship, field visits, guest speakers, and a cow eye dissection guided by a medical director. The Ophthalmic Medical Assistant program can assist you in earning the Joint Commission on Allied Health Persons in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO)-a recognized Certified Ophthalmic Assistant (COA) designation.

The certification is one of the medical assistant 6-week programs and is aimed at medical assistants who are now employed in or wish to work in optometry.

You’ll be qualified to receive certificates from the following bodies once you’ve finished the program:

  1. National Contact Lens Examiner
  2. Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology
  3. National Paraoptometric Registry

5. Medical Administrative Assistant Online Certificate Program

The majority of the time, medical administrative assistants work in clinics, hospitals, outpatient settings, and other healthcare facilities. Medical secretaries, medical administrative assistants, and medical records clerks are all in high demand.

Medical administrative assistants are typically employed in clinics, hospitals, outpatient settings, and other healthcare establishments. Medical administrative assistants, medical records clerks, and medical secretaries are all in high demand.

Through the Medical Administrative Assistant Online Certificate Program, you can complete your certification as a healthcare worker at your own pace and on your own terms.

These 6-week programs for medical assistants cover things like:

  1. Medical terminology Communication abilities, medical ethics, and fundamental medical legislation
  2. Appointment-setting tactics and talents over the phone
  3. History and background of the medical assisting profession
  4. Insurance billing and coding fundamentals
  5. Administration of medical data and control of practice finances

6. Phlebotomy Program

Phlebotomists work side by side with patients, other medical staff, and in lab environments. You will collect specimens from patients, handle blood samples, and record the associated data.

Effective interpersonal and communication skills, attention to detail, a mature yet caring demeanor, and a commitment to excellence and teamwork are required for this position. Phlebotomists are increasingly needed in a wide range of sectors. There are openings in medical practices, neighborhood clinics, and hospitals.

These 6-Week Programs for Medical Assistants require 40 hours of study to complete. Externships are another option. During the externship, you will do 50 venipunctures and 10 skin punctures.

The following topics from anatomy and physiology will be covered as part of the program:

  1. Medical regulations
  2. Health Terminology
  3. Ways for drawing blood

7. Medical Assisting Certificate Level 1

The medical assistant entry-level program is developed to equip students with the skills and information they need to work in the industry. The curriculum will equip you to work as a medical assistant in a variety of clinical settings.

In these medical assistant 6-week programs, you must:

  1. While speaking with patients, take measurements of their vital signs, weight, and height to gather medical data.
  2. Clean and sterilize the equipment and discard any contaminated supplies.

You should also possess the following abilities:

  1. Speaking
  2. Active Listening
  3. Social Perception

As you’ve seen, the Medical Assistant 6-Week Program provides those who want to work in the medical field the option to get comprehensive training on how to be successful.

Throughout your externship, you will pick up a ton of useful skills and knowledge that will make you stand out from other applicants.

When looking for various assisting certificate programs, your options are numerous. Since a few universities that provide Medical Assistant 6-Week Programs are mentioned below to aid you in your search, choosing the best school for you is no longer a challenge.

8. Accelerated Medical Assistant Programs Online & On-Campus

You will gain knowledge in patient advocacy, phlebotomy, clinical care, and other topics in this accelerated medical assistant course.

Exercises, visuals, games, and interactive tools are used during the course’s online instruction to help you grasp the subject matter. Other health-related courses are available through CareerStep Online, including EMS training and medical coding.

9. Fortis Institute Medical Programs

There are numerous certified medical and healthcare programs offered by Fortis, and there are campus locations all throughout the US.

The institute has switched to offering all students’ classes remotely and online.

The team at this institution has also switched to virtual interviewing and enrollment, so potential students are no longer required to come to campus.

Additionally, students who meet the requirements have a wide range of options, including federal grant and loan programs for student aid, state, and private financing sources, and student payment plans.

Please be aware that due to some of the unfavorable comments about this institution, we do not recommend this program to our readers. You can, however, look into the school on your own to see if it’s a good fit.

10. Career Step’s Medical Assistant With Externship Medical Program

The Career Step medical assistant program will provide you with the skills you need to pass the national certification exam, but it won’t really certify you.

Once the program is finished, you will be given a certificate of completion, which will attest that you have successfully completed the training necessary to sit for the NHA’s (National Healthcare Association) national certification exam, the CCMA.

You must finish a 130-hour clinical externship after successfully completing your course curriculum.

List Of Schools That Offer Medical Assistant 6-Week Programs

The following is a list of a few renowned institutions and the Medical Assistant 6-Week Programs they offer:

1. Certified Clinical Medical Assistant at Lehman College

The Certified Clinical Medical Assistant 6-Week Program integrate classroom learning with practical experience through an internship in a hospital or community-based medical practice.

The National Healthcareer Association (NHA) has approved the Lehman program. After completing the required courses, students will be eligible to take the NHA credentialing exam and will be ready to start working. A exam preparation class is also available through the program.

2. Phlebotomy Career Training

The quickest medical curriculum offered by Phlebotomy Career Training is their medical assistant 6-Week Program. Keep in mind that this course requires you to research your internship choices in addition to the more extensive study.

For more than 14 years, Phlebotomy Career Training (PCT) has offered highly regarded certification programs and online and offline programs to educate professionals and students around the United States.

3. Clinical Medical Assistant Online Certification Program at Tyler Junior College

The goal of the Clinical Medical Assisting program is to give students the knowledge and abilities they need to function as professionals in a range of healthcare settings.

Medical assistants with professional credentials carry out an electrocardiogram (EKG), carry out small procedures, collect laboratory specimens for testing, instruct patients, and carry out other relevant tasks. Additionally, they help with therapeutic tasks like medicine administration.

4. Medical Assistant at Century College

The purpose of medical assistant 6-week programs is to train graduates to work as multifaceted professionals dedicated to assisting in patient care management.

The medical assistant performs clinical, laboratory, and administrative duties in clinics, doctors’ offices, and other healthcare facilities. A 300-hour unpaid experience under the direct supervision of a physician, the clinical externship.

5. Ophthalmic Medical Assisting at Tyler Junior College

An ophthalmic assistant is a medical technician that specializes in helping ophthalmologists and optometrists. They aid these eye doctors in a similar way to how a nurse helps a general practitioner.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on 10 Ongoing Medical Assistant Degrees to Get Online in 6 Weeks

What is the fastest you can become a medical assistant?

The fastest medical assistant program lasts just six weeks, although most programs last three months or more. Depending on the qualification or diploma you want to obtain, medical assistant training might last anywhere from five days to two years.

How long does it take to become a medical assistant in Texas?

A certificate or diploma program in Texas could take up to 18 months to finish and could cost as much as $27,870.

In what specialty do medical assistants make the most?

Top 5 Highest Paid Medical Assistant Specialties: 1. Podiatry Medical Assistant. 2. Medical Assistants with Insurance Skills. 3. Fertility Medical Assistant. 4. Cardiology Medical Assistant. 5. Ophthalmology Medical Assistant.

How much does medical assistant training cost?

These programs have annual costs that range from $2,500 to $20,000.



After examining the accreditation status, curriculum, study hours, and cost of each of these medical assistant 6-Week Programs, the next step is to choose the one that best fits your schedule and financial situation.

Keep in mind that all candidates for these programs must possess either a high school diploma or a healthcare certification. But for medical assistants, these 6-week programs are the quickest you can find anywhere.

Keep in mind that these 6-week medical assistant programs are the fastest accessible anywhere!

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