Top 10 Computer Science Universities in Dubai

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The computer science universities in Dubai are not just institutions of learning; they are centers for innovation, research, and development in the field.

As of 2024, there are about 10 universities in Dubai that have made significant contributions to the field of Computer Science. These universities have collectively produced over 8.14K academic papers, receiving a total of 81.9K citations.

In the next section, we will discuss why one should consider studying Computer Science in Dubai, so without further ado!

Why Study Computer Science in Dubai?

  1. Educational Excellence

Dubai is home to campuses of internationally renowned universities, such as the University of Birmingham Dubai and Heriot-Watt University Dubai.

These institutions offer accredited Computer Science programs that are recognized globally for their quality and rigor. The curriculum is designed to meet international standards, ensuring that students receive an education that is both relevant and respected worldwide.

  1. Cutting-Edge Facilities

Universities in Dubai are equipped with the latest technology and learning resources. This includes advanced computer labs, high-tech classrooms, and access to the latest research and development in the field of Computer Science. Students benefit from hands-on experience with state-of-the-art equipment, preparing them for the technological demands of the future.

  1. Diverse Career Opportunities

With a degree in Computer Science from a Dubai university, graduates have numerous career paths available to them. The city’s booming tech sector offers roles in software development, data science, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. Dubai’s strategic location also serves as a gateway to career opportunities in the Middle East and beyond.

List of the Top 10 Computer Science Universities in Dubai

Below is a list of the top 10 computer science universities in Dubai:

Top 10 Computer Science Universities in Dubai

1. University of Birmingham, Dubai

  • Acceptance Rate: The acceptance rate at the University of Birmingham is around 13.54%.
  • Tuition Fee: The tuition fee for the BSc Computer Science course for 2024 entry is AED 132,778 per year of study.

The University of Birmingham, Dubai, offers a Computer Science program that is one of the oldest and most established in the field, continuously adapting its curriculum to meet market demands.

The department is committed to delivering an outstanding education that opens up a range of exciting career opportunities for its international student body.

The faculty comprises highly qualified academics who are dedicated to providing quality education and support. They are actively involved in research that spans medical image analysis, artificial intelligence, data science, and more, ensuring that students are learning from leading experts in these fields.

2. RIT Dubai

  • Acceptance Rate: The overall acceptance rate of RIT Dubai is reported to be 45%.
  • Tuition Fee: The annual tuition fee for the Bachelor of Science in Computing and Information Technologies at RIT Dubai is AED 68,000, which is approximately $18,516.

The Computer Science Department at RIT Dubai is a beacon of technology and innovation in the heart of one of the world’s most dynamic cities. It offers a Bachelor of Science in Computing and Information Technologies, accredited by the UAE Ministry of Education.

The curriculum includes exposure to numerous programming languages and paradigms, ensuring that graduates are versatile and industry-ready. The department boasts state-of-the-art Program Laboratories and a faculty comprising experts in the field, that provides an environment conducive to learning and innovation.

The department’s strong ties with industry leaders and an active Advisory Board ensure that the education provided is up to date with the latest industry trends and demands.

3. University of Wollongong in Dubai

  • Acceptance Rate: The acceptance rate is estimated to be around 50%.
  • Tuition Fee: AED 60,429 / USD 16,466 (VAT 5% inclusive)

The University of Wollongong in Dubai is renowned for its Computer Science department, which is dedicated to providing a solid foundation in computing principles, coupled with practical experience in the latest technologies and trends in the industry.

The curriculum covers essential topics such as operating systems, algorithms, software engineering, architecture, databases, security, and artificial intelligence. Students have the opportunity to specialize in areas like Big Data, Cyber Security, and Game and Mobile Development, preparing them for specific career paths in the tech industry.

4. United Arab Emirates University

  • Acceptance Rate: Approximately 31%.
  • Tuition Fee: Approximately $31,000 per year or AED2500 per credit hour

The Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE) at the United Arab Emirates University offers comprehensive programs that cater to the current demands and future market needs within the UAE.

The CSSE department provides a robust curriculum that emphasizes the fundamental principles of computer science and software engineering. It equips students with critical thinking skills and the technical expertise necessary to excel in the profession and address complex technological challenges.

5. Heriot-Watt University, Dubai Campus

  • Acceptance Rate: 24%
  • Tuition Fee: AED 76,045 per year

Heriot-Watt University’s Dubai Campus is renowned for its BSc (Hons) Computer Science program, which is designed to equip students with the skills necessary to construct robust and usable systems. The program is not only about deploying cutting-edge tools and techniques but also about building the next generation of software tools that others will use.

The curriculum covers a wide range of topics from basic computing and web design to more advanced subjects like artificial intelligence and software engineering. Students have the opportunity to work on group programming projects, which is a testament to the department’s commitment to hands-on learning.

6. BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus

  • Acceptance Rate: 75%.
  • Tuition Fee: The tuition fee for the first degree (which includes the Computer Science program) is AED 23,500 per semester.

The Computer Science Department at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus offers a comprehensive range of courses that cover the various aspects of computing, aiming to invoke original and creative thinking among students.

The curriculum is continually updated to align with recent advancements in technology, ensuring that students are industry-ready upon graduation.

The faculty comprises experienced professionals and academicians from esteemed institutions like IISC, IIT, and BITS Pilani itself. Students from this department have excelled in international programming contests and academic competitions.

The department’s active engagement in research, evidenced by publications at international conferences, showcases its dedication to contributing to the field of computer science.

7. Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai

  • Acceptance Rate: 60%
  • Tuition Fee: 50,400 UAE Dirhams

The Computer Science Department at Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai, offers a comprehensive educational experience that prepares students for the dynamic and evolving field of software development.

The BTech program in Computer Science Engineering is a 4-year course that equips students with the necessary skills and modern software tools for software development.

The department also offers an M.Tech. in Computer Science & Information Security, focusing on creating trained security experts to protect data and systems against security threats.

Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai, stands out for its industry-sponsored projects and internships, which provide students with real-world experience and a competitive edge in the job market.

8. Middlesex University Dubai

  • Acceptance Rate: The acceptance rate is approximately 88%.
  • Tuition Fee: The tuition fee for the Computer Science program is approximately AED 61,450 per year, which is roughly equivalent to USD 16,732.

The Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics at Middlesex University Dubai offers a diverse range of programs that blend modern engineering, technology, and computing.

The department provides a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including BSc Honours in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, BEng Honours in Computer Systems Engineering, and BSc Honours in Business Computing and Data Analytics.

These programs are designed to equip students with the necessary skills to excel in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and data science.

9. Amity University Dubai

  • Acceptance Rate: Approximately 87%
  • Tuition Fee: AED 68,750 or approximately USD 18,906 per year

Amity University offers a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Science & Engineering, which spans four 4years, with classes commencing in September 2024 and January 2025.

The curriculum includes subjects like Engineering Mechanics, Digital Electronics, Discrete Mathematic Structure, Software Architecture, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, and Blockchain Fundamentals.

Students have access to advanced labs to develop research skills and understand technological innovation. Graduates can pursue careers as data analysts, app developers, cyber security specialists, machine learning engineers, and more.

The degree is accredited by the UAE Ministry of Education through the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA).

10. Murdoch University in Dubai

  • Acceptance Rate: Approximately 85%.
  • Tuition Fee: AED 56,400 per year (8 units) which is approximately equivalent to the entire course fee of AED 169,200 for 24 units.

Murdoch University in Dubai offers a Bachelor of Information Technology in Computer Science that spans a wide range of topics, including algorithms, software design and implementation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), computer technology, systems development, and more.

The program is structured to be completed in 6 trimesters over 3 years (or a 2-year fast-track option), comprising 24 units and totaling 72 credit points.

The university’s focus on employability skills and career-oriented units prepares students to become professionals in the field, ready to access a wide range of job opportunities upon graduation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can international students apply to these universities?

Yes, international students can apply to these universities.

Do these universities offer scholarships for computer science students?

Yes, some of these universities offer scholarships for computer science students.

Are there any opportunities for internships or industry placements during the computer science programs?

There are internship opportunities available in Dubai, but the specific opportunities available would depend on the university and the specific program.


In conclusion, the universities listed in this article are not only the top institutions in Dubai, but they also rank among the best globally.

Choosing the right university is a significant decision that can shape one’s career and future. The universities mentioned in this article have proven their excellence in the field of Computer Science through their curriculum, distinguished faculty, and successful alumni.

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