As a student considering international education you might have wondered, what are the 10 easiest Countries to get PR after studies?
Most of the time, students who prefer to have a feel of international education find it much more appealing when destination host countries have less stringent conditions for Permanent Residency (PR) after they have concluded studies.
While lots of countries often make life difficult for international students by complicating and twisting the rules/policies for acquiring PR in a bid to salvage the integrity of their workforce for their indigenous people and sometimes for security purposes, some other countries make it quite easy for students who graduated from their institutions have a smooth transition into their workforce.
Having a first hand knowledge of such countries whose PR policies are lenient is a benefit which you will be getting as you follow through this. Let’s go on!
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Easiest Countries to Get PR After Studies
Here is the list of the 10 easiest countries to get PR after studies.
- Canada
- Australia
- Germany
- Singapore
- New Zealand
- Ireland
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Belize and,
- United Kingdom.
1. Canada
Canada, widely known as one of the best places to live on earth is one of the easiest countries to get PR after studies. Her very smooth and easy immigration policies makes her a dream destination for many international students across the globe.
Canada being the most immigrant tolerant country could probably pass as the best country for international student and I’m sure you believe that too
Currently, in Canada, you will find a combination of all of human race, colors and religions. Not just that, Canada does not only have an immigration-friendly policies, the country also has wonderful work permit programs and Post-Graduation Work Permit Program which facilitates an ideal environment for international students who have made the decision to study and work in a sustainable environment abroad.
In Canada, a student can get work permits which has a validity of 3 years and is dependent on the duration of study and field of study. When an international student gets employed and works for up to 6 months in Canada, it becomes a more smoother process when applying for permanent residence.
That’s not all, in addition to these, if a student studies in Canada for more than a year they get more points and better their chances for permanent residence.
Are you a graduate thinking of working and residing permanently in Canada already, here is an important guide for you.
2. Australia
Australia is a country with some of best ranked universities globally. Being listed here as a country with good policies and easy processes to getting a PR, it means that it is definitely an international student hub. Research programs and technology innovations in Australia are top notch when compared with many other countries across the globe.
In addition to these, Australia also represents one PR friendly nations with the best tourist attraction comprising of lots of beautiful places and historical sites. You will be glad to get a permanent residence permit to explore this amazing country.
As an international student who has dreams of living in Australia, before graduating from University, apply for the General Skilled Migration (GSM) and write the test. The General Skilled Migration test will make you eligible to join the workforce in Australia. The test is a gauge for your skills, knowledge, intelligence and experience.
As a graduate who wants to apply for PR after studying at an Australian University with a student visa, you have to firstly get hold of a permanent visa. With a permanent visa you can live, work and even further your studies on Australian soil without any restrictions– almost like a true citizen.
Asides the General Skilled Migration (GSM) assessment, there is also the Professional Year Program (PYP), which allows graduates to gain experience in an Australian workplace. Completing a PYP can also boost your chances of PR in Australia.
If you need more information on getting PR in Australia after graduation, this could be what you need.
3. Germany
Ranked as the fifth most popular academic tourist location and the best non-English speaking student immigration location, Germany continues to marvel international students with their easy PR programs and processes.
With a grandiose culture which have developed over thousands of years, powerful history, efficient processes and effective people, Germany continues to draw the interest of scholars and explorers across the world.
It is not only awesome to study in Germany, it is a beauty to reside within her and join in her workforce. Many students choose Germany for education for its beauty and to also learn a new European language. Although most courses are taught in Dutch, there are also English taught courses.
Though it is not an English country but as you start studying there, you can easily get complete hold of German within the years of your education.
After completion of studies, a graduate can apply for an 18 month residence permit. The law regarding the Entry and Residence of Highly Qualified Workers (2012) permits students to apply for residence. However, such graduate must secure a job before their final exams and have B1 language proficiency to be eligible for residency.
Well, do you feel like studying in Germany already? If you’re interested in studying here, then you’ve got you a guide to help you study in Germany.
4. Singapore
And then, there is Singapore another non-English speaking immigration disposed nation. Singapore cannot be excluded from this list of easiest countries to get PR after studies.
Also popularly known for her top-ranking universities, Singapore might just be the place for you. With a rich culture, wonderful workforce and very welcoming locals, Singapore becomes a Student and Permanent Resident paradise.
There is a catch though. For international students of the male gender, getting a PR after Studying at a Singaporean university means that you will have to serve the country by enlisting into her military to fulfill two years of active duty within the military and afterwards an annual 40 days of military service until you turn 50.
This should not get you worried though as Singaporeans are peaceful loving people and hardly get involved in misunderstandings. As an added advantage, you can apply to become a Singaporean citizen after three years of holding PR.
If you are still weighing your options at becoming an international student, there is a special Tuition Grant Scheme offered by the Singaporean government which will not only cover your tuition fees but will also grant you the opportunity of working at any Singapore-registered company for three years after your graduation. This makes the journey to begin a citizen much more exciting and easier.
You could consider getting in with this grant.
Want to study in Singapore and get PR after studies, you may decide learn more about Singapore’s post study visa options.
5. New Zealand
To get a PR in New Zealand, you ought to know that she is a place for nature lovers, a place with opportunities to view and explore beautiful landscapes, a place to enjoy the hospitality of the locals and experience new culture.
Also, New Zealand’s intent to strengthen her economy by improving the education sector have led the government to relax her permanent residency restrictions. Since 2015, New Zealand has become one of the most easiest countries to get a PR.
New Zealand is therefore inviting international students to take a share in their knowledge and not only did she open her borders to students, there are also policies in place to allow students who want to work within their workforce begin work.
Compared to most nations, the cost of education in New Zealand is way lesser. If you feel New Zealand is your deal breaker, Then you can get to know more about education in the New Zealand and how you can get to study in the country.
6. Ireland
Ireland as a country with rich history, beautiful places, accommodating people and cushy policies for international students also makes it to this list of the easiest countries to get PR after studies. Many Irish universities are globally acclaimed high flyer universities and they offer courses in several diverse disciplines.
In addition to scholarships, grants and a serene atmosphere for studying, the Irish government also offers PR to international students allowing them to work in Ireland for a year or two. This is only possible if you have stayed in Ireland for 5 years without leaving the country for 6 months.
Here, you will find how you can study abroad in Ireland or how to work in Ireland after graduating from university.
7. Mexico
Unlike what you might have always thought, Mexico is one easiest countries to get PR After Studies for students and graduates alike. You just have to live in Mexico for at least four years with a Temporary Resident Card and you are free to apply for permanent residency. If you might also fall in love and get married to a Mexican citizen or a permanent resident during your stay. If this happens then, the time needed for you to live in Mexico with a Temporary Residence Card is reduced to at least two years.
Do you want to get a Mexico Student Visa? Here is a guide to help smoothen the process of your application.
8. Nicaragua’s
Nicaragua is one country which has the fastest processes to get permanent residency after studies. This is a country that gives you permanent residency almost immediately.
Many countries, begin with a temporary residency and then allow you to gradually get to become a permanent resident but Nicaragua isn’t the same. This is amazing right?
The caveat in Nicaragua’s deal is that as a permanent resident, you would have to spend at least 180 days every year within the country unless the PR could be revoked/withdrawn. So stay tight and get yourself a PR in Nicaragua.
9. Belize
You may have dreamt of working in the Caribbean after studies and you need not botch that dream yet. Belize has proven to be an easily accessible Caribbean PR paradise. It’s breathtaking blue beaches and coral islands are a testimony of nature’s beauty.
Studying within the Caribbean is a bliss. Applications for PR in Belize can only be made after you have resided continuously in Belize for one year without leaving the country for 14 consecutive days during this time.
If this is flouted, the application may be rejected. This application is made to the Immigration Department in the country’s capital city and depending on your country of citizenship PR applications cost between $250 to $5,000.
After 5 years of being a PR in Belize you can also apply to become a citizen.
As an American, you may want to know how stuff work out for Americans in Belize.
10. United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is one of the easiest Countries To Get PR After Studies. It is one of the top study abroad destinations for a number of reasons as she provides you with world class education packed with experiences that will stick with you all through life.
This country brings you a chance to meet and create connections to a large network of culturally diverse people that stretches across the globe and to meet welcoming indigenous people. These things make the United Kingdom one of the most popular destinations for international students to study abroad.
The ease in communication makes it easier to get a PR after study in the UK. It’s quite easy to connect with people, make friends, and ace your academics in the UK.
With her universities ranking high across the globe, graduating would set you up for a very challenging career. As an international student, you can stay back for two years after graduation for a job and with exceptional service, you could get recommended for Permanent Residency. If you feel like getting a PR after studying in a university at UK, then you might want to know what it is like to school in United Kingdom.
So what’s your Choice?
So now we have come to the end of our list of easiest countries to get PR after study and I bet you’ve learnt a thing or two, which of these countries do you think has a great PR policy? Do well to let us know by commenting below.
If you have any questions, you can also drop it in the comment section.
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Good and educational
This will help a lot of students
Thanks for the this information.
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